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4.7 out of 5

About TurfHunt

TurfHunt is a treasure hunt-style quiz & challenge game app that makes it easy to create and play treasure hunt games.

TurfHunt is suitable for anyone who wants to explore, learn and innovatively engage with their surroundings. It is perfect for explorers, schools, team-building, tour operators, museums, municipalities, and event organizers who want to connect people and places.

Games are created online via the Locatify Creator CMS & published to TurfHunt, which uses maps & location to trigger media content and challenges on location.
Design your own treasure hunt game today: http://locatify.com/signup

- Location-based or virtual treasure hunt games: In location-based games, treasures are automatically activated using GPS (or BLE Beacons/UWB for indoors) when players enter the activation radius. With virtual games, players can join from all over the world by allowing for manual activation by pressing on the pin on the map or using a list of challenges.
- Multimedia content includes audio, text, images, and video.
- Multilingual, allowing you to reach a wider audience by providing game content in multiple languages.
- Multiple Game Play Modes: Play competitive online multiplayer games or an offline single-player game.
- Question, Photo & Other Challenges Types: Award points and prizes for finding challenge locations and earning points. Optionally, measure time played and apply score penalties for using hints in challenges.
- Challenges offered:
- Memory card games (easy, medium, difficult)
- Jigsaw puzzle (easy, medium, difficult)
- Multiple-choice questions (option of using images as answers)
- Single-answer written text questions
- Open-ended questions
- Photo Challenges (plain, with stickers, draw on it)
- Draw on a canvas.
- Advanced Game Settings: Specify how players will find and join a game (invitation code or from the list/map) and allow players to create private games or create an ongoing multiple-player game with a unique invitation code and scoreboard.
- Customizable Invitation Codes & QR Codes to invite players to join a specific game instance.
- Game Control Panel & Online Scoreboard puts you in control! Create game instances, share invitation codes, and start and stop existing game instances. Each game has a unique scoreboard where you can view (and export) uploaded game content, view player locations, edit players’ scores, and send players a message.
- Rewards/Coupons: use the rewards manager to integrate digital items or discount vouchers/coupons to players. Rewards consist of an image, title, and subtitle and can be saved to the user’s phone. This can add another level of gamification or be used to encourage players to visit certain locations. Select if you want it to be awarded for a player reaching a certain total score or for finding a certain number of challenge locations.
- Offline content does not require internet access to operate once the app is installed and the content downloaded.
- Custom Maps & Pins create a unique user experience
- Optional Login to collect user contact details.
- Social Media sharing integration.
- Import and Export option to reuse content and games quickly.
- Publish games to TurfHunt in real time with just a click! Make edits and republish to make the changes visible.

TurfHunt Screenshots