Bible(ASV) icon


Yu-Sheng Wong
1.0 out of 5

About Bible(ASV)

Glory to God!
If a simple Bible is what you are looking for, Simple Bible is just for you!

Advance Version 3.0 features:
●Bible version: American Standard Version.
●Free your hands, try auto-scrolling.
●Bible in English & Chinese.
●Take notes & store it to remember.
●Need someone to read the Bible for you? You got it!
●Reading Bible everyday is hard to do? Try reading plan with a daily reminder.
●High speed search let’s you find keywords in a sec.
●Double-Tap on the selected verse to open up more features!
●Other features: Theme setting, font size, chapter selection, day & night mode…

Psalms 144:1
Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my "fingers" the art of fighting.

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