All the info you need to get where you need to go. The Bee-Line System primarily services Westchester County with conecting services to New York City buses and subways, Putnam County transit; Transport of Rockland's Tappan ZEExpress; Shortline's Orange-Westchester Link and Connecticut Transit's I-Bus.
There are major transit hubs in White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers and Mount Vernon. In the northern part of the County, service is concentrated in Peekskill, Ossining and Mount Kisco.
Many Bee-Line routes operate in the Bronx offering Westchester residents connections to New York City's subways and buses. Every subway line in the Bronx is served by at least one Bee-Line route.
Along the Bee-Line's routes are "shuttle loops" providing connectinos to major employment centers and MetroNorth train stations in the County.
Also, available are express services to midtown Manhattan.
There are major transit hubs in White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers and Mount Vernon. In the northern part of the County, service is concentrated in Peekskill, Ossining and Mount Kisco.
Many Bee-Line routes operate in the Bronx offering Westchester residents connections to New York City's subways and buses. Every subway line in the Bronx is served by at least one Bee-Line route.
Along the Bee-Line's routes are "shuttle loops" providing connectinos to major employment centers and MetroNorth train stations in the County.
Also, available are express services to midtown Manhattan.
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