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Yam's Yatzy

Philippe Martin ELOL
3.0 out of 5

About Yam's Yatzy

Also known as Yahtzee (tm).

Score the highest points by throwing five dice to make certain combinations.

- ACES IN THE SIXES CATEGORY: Get a maximum of dice for this value and mark the sum of the dice for this value.
- BONUS: Get at least 63 points in the previous combinations and score 35 extra points.
- THREE OF A KIND: Get 3 identical dice and mark the sum of 5 dice.
SQUARE: Get 4 identical dice and mark the sum of 5 dice.
FULL HOUSE Get three of a king and a pair and score 25 points.
- SMALL STRAIGHT: Get 4 dice in a sequence and score 30 points.
- LARGE STRAIGHT: Get 5 dice in a sequence and score 40 points.
- YAHTZEE : Get five identical dice and score 50 points.
- CHANCE : Mark the sum of 5 dice.

Choose the dice to keep and re-roll the others to make the best combination, and twice in a row. Once the two re-rolls have been made, choose a combination that has not yet been selected. Repeat these steps as many times as necessary to select all combinations (13 times).

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