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Chinese Quran Audio Book

良普 李

About Chinese Quran Audio Book

In this dream Muhsin Khan has a dream of the Prophet Muhammad in a large gathering of people. Out of love, he stepped towards him to kiss his knees; but the Prophet disapproved it. Suddenly, the perspiration began to flow from his body and Muhsin Khan drank it to his satisfaction. Then the Prophet asked him for a paper on which he wrote down that he wanted him (to serve Islam) and stamped it with his seal.

When Muhsin Khan woke up, he was struck by a feeling of bewilderment, awe and sublimity. He asked the knowledgeable persons to interpret his dream. They indicated that he would serve the Prophet's sayings. So, he looked for a project to serve Islam and convey its message to the English-speaking people. After much consideration, he concluded that Sahih of Imam Al-Bukhari, who is the most authentic collector of the Prophet's sayings, needs to be translated into English. So, he decided to render Sahih Al-Bukhari into English.

The app is Noble Quran Chinese book with audio files.
you can listen it in Chinese and Arabic language.

Chinese Quran Audio Book Screenshots