MMSubLite is a first and only one application which play movie, music video with English or Myanmar Subtitles.
MMSubLite can play Mp4, Mov, m4v, mp3 and wav. The English and Myanmar Subtitle (.srt) is supported. The default Myanmar Subtitles are available also.
MMSubLite can play videos in background mode so that user can listen music and do other things.
MMSubLite has a lot of gesture control for playing movies. While playing videos, user can swipe left and right for forward and backward videos. User can swipe up and down for volume control. To change subtitle font size, user can swipe left and right on the subtitle. To change font color, user can touch the subtitle. User can change font by touching the font button.
MMSubLite can play on both iPhone and iPad. Myanmar Language is supported for movies, mv name and subtitle file name.
To put the videos and subtitles to MMSubLite, it is extremely easy. User can either drag the file to MMSubLite App in iTunes (iTunes Sync) or user can even transfer videos and subtitles from other app to MMSubLite.
User can share subtitles with in app. User can download, upload and make thumb up, down to the online subtitles.
Intended for those who
Want to enjoy the movie/MV with English,Myanmar Subtitles
Want to watch videos easily and conveniently
Subtitle Contributor
Myanmar Subtitle Group, Sally Mohn, Orchidwai , Bigbang Myanmar
For those who want to contribute the Myanmar Subtitles, please feel free to contact.
Feel free to advise and suggest. All feedback are welcome and can be sent to
MMSubLite can play Mp4, Mov, m4v, mp3 and wav. The English and Myanmar Subtitle (.srt) is supported. The default Myanmar Subtitles are available also.
MMSubLite can play videos in background mode so that user can listen music and do other things.
MMSubLite has a lot of gesture control for playing movies. While playing videos, user can swipe left and right for forward and backward videos. User can swipe up and down for volume control. To change subtitle font size, user can swipe left and right on the subtitle. To change font color, user can touch the subtitle. User can change font by touching the font button.
MMSubLite can play on both iPhone and iPad. Myanmar Language is supported for movies, mv name and subtitle file name.
To put the videos and subtitles to MMSubLite, it is extremely easy. User can either drag the file to MMSubLite App in iTunes (iTunes Sync) or user can even transfer videos and subtitles from other app to MMSubLite.
User can share subtitles with in app. User can download, upload and make thumb up, down to the online subtitles.
Intended for those who
Want to enjoy the movie/MV with English,Myanmar Subtitles
Want to watch videos easily and conveniently
Subtitle Contributor
Myanmar Subtitle Group, Sally Mohn, Orchidwai , Bigbang Myanmar
For those who want to contribute the Myanmar Subtitles, please feel free to contact.
Feel free to advise and suggest. All feedback are welcome and can be sent to
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