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Geo SCADA Mobile

Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty Ltd
1.0 out of 5

About Geo SCADA Mobile

The efficient way of monitoring and controlling your Geo SCADA system remotely.

Geo SCADA Mobile, coupled to Geo SCADA, a Schneider Electric product, provides remote access to data within your SCADA system, allowing users to monitor performance while "on the move". It also improves staff productivity and enhances overall system performance: an easy way to add value to your organisation!

Fully compatible with ClearSCADA – Use GeoSCADA Server to take advantage of new features.

Alarms and Events
* Alarm actions such as acknowledge, disable and enable. Actions logged to the Geo SCADA event journal.
* View alarm and event lists.

Mobile "Displays"
* Summary data displays for "at a glance" understanding of system performance.
* Available as a shortcut from alarms or database hierarchy, where configured.

* Browse and Search the Geo SCADA database.
* View object status at any level.
* Display filtered alarm and event lists based on database hierarchy.

Data Visualization
* Display historic data trends for points; optimized for mobile connectivity.
* Display custom database queries; useful for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

* Perform controls on selected points in the Geo SCADA database.
* Actions logged to the Geo SCADA event journal.

User Favorites
* Customize the app for easy retrieval of your commonly used views.

* Integrated security with Geo SCADA.
* Additional security measures for communications outside of the SCADA firewall.

* Use your device location to allow Alarm redirection based on your position (Requires ClearSCADA 2017 R1)
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Search Database
* Search the database's object by object name. From the resultset, navigate back into the database to view events, alarms, status information and select Mobile Methods.

Mobile Methods
* Configure object methods on the server, to be selectable on the mobile app and/or ViewX client

Contact your local Schneider Electric sales channel to provide this functionality for your Geo SCADA system(s).

NOTE: For security reasons, this application does not communicate directly with the Geo SCADA server, so additional software is required to enable this. The additional software can be found on the Geo SCADA server installation media.

Geo SCADA Mobile Screenshots