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Tests traffic rules 2023 Exam

Andrey Gundarev

About Tests traffic rules 2023 Exam

New traffic rules tickets 2023 with comments for Russia, Ukraine, Estonia; tests with illustrations, a simulator for traffic rules and an online exam.
For Russia - traffic rules tickets for 2023, questions and pictures are 100% consistent with the official ones in the traffic police category ABM and CD. Exam traffic rules as in the traffic police 20 questions and each question with only one correct answer.
For Estonia - more than 1500 test questions for the exam in Transpordiamet for category B, separate traffic rules tickets with comments for categories A C E. Exam - 30 questions 30 minutes and one answer.
For Ukraine - more than 1400 questions to pass for category B, about 900 tests for category A and 1200+ for C D E. Online exam for rights as in the GSC: 20 minutes and 20 questions with one correct answer.
Traffic signs simulator with results statistics.
300+ questions in the form of road signs tests.
The training section is traffic rules with illustrations on training cards: each card contains a picture with a traffic situation and a question about it. You yourself come up with a solution to this situation, and then turn over the card to see if your solution is correct.
We made solving traffic tests convenient, instructive and fun!
Üle 1500 testiküsimuse Transpordiameti B-kategooria jaoks.
Testid, küsimused ja pildid vastavad 100% nagu Transpordiameti ametlikele B-, A-, C- ja E-kategooriatele.
eksam nagu
Koolituse rubriigis on abiks koolituskaardid, samuti liiklusmärkide tundmise simulaator testide kujul.
Statistika on teie uuringute tulemused.

Tests traffic rules 2023 Exam Screenshots