Haha Children's Animation Picture Book is an animation picture book APP developed for children aged 3-14. English classic picture books, creative imagination, thinking science, emotional intelligence enlightenment, habit formation, reading enlightenment and other development areas are presented to children through mobile phones.
English graded reading: From A~Z level, according to the age and interests of children, scientifically recommend suitable reading content to solve parents' problems in choosing books.
Chinese picture books: Read thousands of picture books to promote children's learning and growth.
Fun interaction: Children can interact with the characters, animals and scenery in the book through finger touch, allowing children to immerse themselves in the fun of picture books and fully explore each story.
Haha Children's Animation Picture Book is an animation picture book APP developed for children aged 3-14. English classic picture books, creative imagination, thinking science, emotional intelligence enlightenment, habit formation, reading enlightenment and other development areas are presented to children through mobile phones.
English graded reading: From A~Z level, according to the age and interests of children, scientifically recommend suitable reading content to solve parents' problems in choosing books.
Chinese picture books: Read thousands of picture books to promote children's learning and growth.
Fun interaction: Children can interact with the characters, animals and scenery in the book through finger touch, allowing children to immerse themselves in the fun of picture books and fully explore each story.
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