lily: high-impact giving icon

lily: high-impact giving

lily global, inc.
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About lily: high-impact giving

High-impact giving, made simple.

Our generation can eliminate preventable human suffering, if we collectively decide to.

Join the lily community in our aspiration to play a role in helping end global poverty in our time.

Lily identifies the world’s best charities that solve basic needs issues (hunger, health, water, education, anti-poverty), enabling you to “100x” your donation’s impact - so that even small contributions make a big impact.

Our mission is to inspire our generation to make small, but collective, action toward eliminating preventable human suffering.

**Simple way to help eliminate preventable human suffering
**World’s best charities in terms of: transparency, cost-effectiveness, evidence-based, high-impact
**See your impact results in a personalized dashboard and in our content feed

**We find the world’s highest-impact nonprofits for you to maximize your impact
**We leverage insights from various evaluation organizations that publish studies which help determine evidence-backed impact statistics
**Focused on addressing basic human needs: hunger, health, water, education, anti-poverty

**Build a portfolio of your personal impact made in the world
**See a breakdown of actual results made from your donations
**Review how many people you’ve helped, a breakdown of actual results, and how you’ve contributed across categories

**Fun, small ways for us to cut back, save money and donate it to a featured cause (for example: swap a latte for an espresso, and donate to give 2 people access to clean, safe water)
**Double your impact by challenging friends to join you

**We showcase live data on our community’s collective impact, across a variety of metrics
**Every day, you can review how many people we’ve impacted, how many deworming treatments we’ve disbursed, water dispensers, bed nets, small businesses started, and more!

**Receive inspiring content, stories, analysis, reports and updates from our content feed
**We aim share the vast amount of good being done in the world, and the amazing stories of individuals behind the scenes

lily: high-impact giving Screenshots