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i.Novel Reader -Read TXT books

博浩 郭
2.0 out of 5

About i.Novel Reader -Read TXT books

i.Novel Reader is a TXT novel reading app aimed at providing a simple and pure reading experience. It offers the following features:
1. Supports free import of local TXT files
2. Automatically parses chapter directories in TXT files
3. Supports multiple reading themes, night mode, and customizable page-turning effects
4. Supports free adjustment of line spacing, font size, and background color
5. Locally stores reading records for easy continuation of reading next time
6. Offline caching for reading without internet and saving data usage
Through in-app purchases, one-time payment offers lifelong enjoyment and additional features, including:
1. Complete removal of ads
2. Local recycle bin
Stay tuned for more exciting features, such as:
1. Support for more file formats such as EPUB, RAR, ZIP, etc.
2. Support for importing files through Wi-Fi
3. Downloadable fonts or the ability to add your own fonts
User agreement: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTkt2dFBwanhmbXBM

Privacy policy: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTkJsUXNLQU1zUk1L

Membership service agreement: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTlNmcGFScWhMWVV3

i.Novel Reader -Read TXT books Screenshots