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Lukasz Wysocki

About Nogoma

Humans need sunlight
Have you ever felt that your sleep pattern is inconsistent? That you go to sleep too late and wake up tired? You might be lacking sunlight! We need to view sunlight to function properly. It improves how awake we feel during the day and how well we sleep at night. It may help with our mood, alertness, performance, sleep quality and even depression!

It matters WHEN you do it
It is important you view sunlight early in the morning - it tells your body it is time to wake up. However, if you do it too late in the day, it won't work the same. Viewing sunlight around sunset adjusts your circadian clock and reminds your body the night is approaching.

It matters HOW you do it
Firstly, it is advisable to go outside or look out from an open window rather than just stare through the glass - windows actually block a lot of the good light. You don't have to stare at the sky, just looking outside and ahead is enough! Secondly, you have to do it for a certain amount of time. For example, it still works when there are heavy clouds, but you might need to do it longer.

We can help
Every morning, a personalized timer will appear. It will show a precisely calculated sunlight exposure time. We will also send you a reminder. Just look outside, start the timer and enjoy yourself for a few minutes. You can stop when the time runs out or continue for as long as you feel is alright for you. Don't forget to do the same in the afternoon. It is important to do it regularly! You should see first effects after a few days.

Score stars!
After every completed sunlight exposure, you get 1 star.
If you miss a morning exposure, you lose 1 star.

The Nogoma mobile application is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed.
The use of information, tools and techniques in this application or materials linked in it is at the user’s own risk. The content, tools and techniques provided in this application are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.
NEVER STARE DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN! Your eyes should never hurt and you should never feel blinded. If it occurs, immediately stop and cover your eyes and seek professional medical help.
Remember that to get the proper light exposure, you don't have to stare into the sky. Just looking ahead is fine.
If you choose to go outside, always make sure it is safe. If you might be in danger, please stay inside.
Always protect your eyes and skin from damaging sunlight. You can still get the proper light exposure while wearing glasses and contact lenses, but try to avoid sunglasses if you safely can.

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