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Alexander Stebner
5.0 out of 5

About Lingora

Lingora is your new favorite language-learning book series. Perfect for beginners and those who are trying to refresh their language skills.

Now available for Cantonese, Catalan, German, Korean, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, European & Mexican Spanish, Thai, Northern and Southern Vietnamese.

Use this companion app to get the most out of your learning experience:

■ Sentence Audio
- Recordings and text of all 500 sentences
- Fast and slow playback
- Recordings available in English and every language in the series
- Word search

■ Audio Quiz
- Learn better with custom quizzes!
- Create your own favorite way of learning with random or sorted sentences
- Use various options to structure your learning

■ Pro Mode Subscriptions
- Word-by-word translations for every sentence - including grammar explanations
- 3 Additional Quiz Modes that make full use of the word-by-word translations
- All other fields found in the books - Transliterations, Etymology etc.
- Remove ads

If you have any questions, ideas, requests etc. feel free to contact me at Keep the app updated for new languages.

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