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Cykul Sports LLP

About Ontropi

Ontropi - An early push for a culture of selfless service.
The vision for this initiative is to build a self-reliant society powered by socially conscious individuals. Ontropi is on a mission to build and facilitate a movement of organized volunteering for societal well-being.
Serving those in need – especially, voluntarily is a noble act. Not everyone gets an opportunity to experience the joy of serving the needy. The earlier the exposure to this phenomenon, higher is the chance that someone will dedicate significant time in their life for serving the under-privileged. Ontropi is one such initiative to provide opportunities and experiences for the young to get a real-world exposure for volunteering.
Everything we do stems from our core value framework that puts “Nation first”, embraces pluralism, and empowers us to act with integrity, respect for others, with a strong belief that our focus on innovation would propel us forward in saving real-world problems

Ontropi is now a nation-wide volunteering movement that inspires youth to volunteer, and provides them with meaningful opportunities to serve the community. Ontropi aims to create positive change in the society through the culture of volunteering.
Technology plays a significant role in coordinating all these activities, which is where we utilize the Ontropi APP.

User interface flow: App→League Section→Walk for health tile→ import activities
app user has an option to import his/her activities from Health App to ontropi app as part of the leagues.

Location Service: User interface flow: Homescreen→Record button (red color button in the bottom of the screen)→select activity → start . Map view opens up and start capturing the current location for two reason 1. to calculate the distance traveled 2. to draw a poly-line on the map. Distance based activities like Run, walk, & Cycle require location service and user has a option to enable / disable location permissions.

Our app integrates with apple health app (HealthKit) and we integrate with the health app (HealthKit) to read and track your steps & distance based activity data.

Ontropi Screenshots