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Lucas Binder
5.0 out of 5

About OneHabit

OneHabit is the perfect tool to help you develop and maintain positive habits for a healthier and more productive lifestyle. With its minimalist design and powerful features, OneHabit, as its name implies, empowers you to focus on one habit at a time, track your progress, and start new habits once you achieve your goals.

Key Features:

Track One New Habit at a Time:
OneHabit believes in the power of simplicity and focus. By encouraging you to concentrate on a single habit, the app helps you prioritize and dedicate your energy towards forming that specific behavior. This approach increases your chances of success and ensures that you build habits effectively.

Habit Grid:
Visualize your progress over time on a grid, providing a clear overview of your habit-building journey.

To-Do List for Future Habits:
Plan ahead and stay organized with OneHabit's to-do list feature. Easily add habits that you plan on starting in the future, ensuring that you have a clear roadmap for your habit-building journey. This feature helps you prioritize and prepare, so you can seamlessly transition from one habit to the next.

Archive Habits:
OneHabit understands that what you want to track can change over time. With the archive feature you can easily remove habits you no longer want to track while keeping a record of your progress.

OneHabit Screenshots