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Faris Abaza

About Percentages

Whether you're a student, business owner, or just someone who loves numbers, our percentage calculator app has everything you need to make quick and accurate calculations. With support for both iPhone and iPad and dark and light modes, you can use our app anytime, anywhere.

Our app lets you easily calculate various types of percentage calculations, including:
-percentage of a number
-percentage change from one number to another
-percentage share of a number in another number, X is what percent of Y
-percentage share of number, X is Y percent of What
-tip calculations to split the total bill + tip with friends, when in restaurant and similar

No more struggling with complex formulas or manual calculations - with our app, you can get instant results with just a few taps. Plus, our app is user-friendly and intuitive, so you can easily input your values and get accurate calculations every time.

Download our percentage calculator app today and make percentage calculations a breeze!

Percentages Screenshots