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Raquel Palis

About Artmented

ARTMENTED APP v.20 with new artwork

Version 20 also features the unique works of Yael Brotman, an Artmented Artist in Residence.
Yael Brotman has a multi-faceted practice based in printmaking, print-based sculpture, and installation. She incorporates imagery suggesting human-made constructions as well as architecture and structure found in nature, exploring themes of control, chance, and mystery

Artmented is part a medium and part an avatar which Raquel Palis appropriates to practice her speculative futurism art.

Artmented blends together traditional art and Augmented Reality creating a bridge between the real and the virtual world uncommonly.
Augmented Reality or just ‘’AR’’ brings the components of the virtual world into the real world, using a mobile device as a support medium. The Artmented is designed exclusively to activate all the artworks created collaboratively with selected and renowned artists worldwide.

The Augmented artworks gallery can be seen here:

Enjoy the experience.

Artmented Screenshots

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