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About Notifi

Notifi is a text communication and marketing platform that helps small, local, businesses master customer communications using a consolidated inbox.

Collect reviews, convert leads, text customers, book appointments, get referrals, quote, invoice and even get paid - all in one place. You choose what you want to do on your phone.

Our core belief:  Faster, smarter responses and interactions means more sales and happier customers.

Key Notifi features include:
• Inbox: Bring every sales prospect and customer conversation into a single, easy-to-use inbox. See and respond to every chat, review, text, social media message, and phone call.
• Instant Lead Notifications: Never missing an inbound lead means you get more sales for your advertising dollar.
• Text Messaging for Online Reviews: Increase your business’ monthly reviews within weeks and increase website and retail traffic using our automated review invitation system.
• Bulk Messaging: Notifi’s text marketing features let you send tailored messages that customers open and convert to sales in minutes.
• Fill your schedule. Have openings in your schedule? Let your current customers know that you are in the area and have an opening. Offer them a simple promo to fill your schedule.
• Phone calls: Use a single business number for calls and texting to collect your communications in one place. Keep your personal phone number to yourself.
• Booking: Save time by letting your customers book on Notifi. It’s a home service booking app too.
• Tracking: If you like, get an edge on your competition by sharing your location with customers so they can be ready when you arrive.
• Payments: Get paid with just a text. Payments through Notifi gather more reviews.
• One tool to manage your entire business. Notifi packs enough power that it could be the one tool to manage your entire business.

Notifi lets you master the power and profits that business texting can generate.

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