Eve - Ich pass auf dich auf icon

Eve - Ich pass auf dich auf

Safe EVEning UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)

About Eve - Ich pass auf dich auf

Eve is your new best friend in the nightlife.
She will make sure you are safe the whole evening. Whether you're at the bar, on a date, at a party, or on your way home, Eve is always with you and always there for you.

Eve not only recommends safe and cool events from certified partners, she also gets you home safe and sound afterwards. Either she helps you or she connects you with other people who make sure you can always be carefree and safe on the road.

On your way home, you can always get help quickly through emergency buttons if something happens. Plus, your safety contacts will be contacted quickly and easily if you don't arrive home as planned.

But you don't only benefit from Eve virtually, but also locally. In Stuttgart, there are already several safe places, i.e. bars and clubs that care about your safety and offer Eve services. This means that the app gives you the free opportunity to...
to test your drink for knockout drops,
charge your cell phone,
call a cab to take you home,
drink free water
and get straightforward help in uncomfortable situations.

Safe Places and events in other cities will follow soon, so stay tuned and write us at info@eve-app.de to let us know which city Eve should come to next.

Eve - I take care of you.

About us:
We are a small startup from Stuttgart with the vision that every woman can feel comfortable and safe in nightlife. For this we want to increase safety not only on the way home, but also in bars, clubs and at events.
To achieve this goal we need not only bar operators, organizers, security people, etc., but especially YOU. We can only achieve this together. With your use, your feedback, your ideas and your desire for great evenings full of carelessness we can do it together. We are looking forward to a safe future with you! :)

Eve - Ich pass auf dich auf Screenshots