Timer.Coffee icon


Anton Karliner
5.0 out of 5

About Timer.Coffee

TImer.Coffee is a free and open-source brew timer and coffee calculator app, designed to aid in your coffee brewing adventures. The app presently offers support for various brewing techniques including: Hario V60, Aeropress, Chemex, French Press, Clever Dripper, Kalita Wave, Wilfa Svart Pour Over and Origami Dripper. The app features more than 30 recipes with more on the way.

Current features include:
- Use the coffee calculator to tweak the coffee or water quantities in the recipes, allowing you to brew as much coffee as you desire.
- Mark your most-loved coffee recipes as favorites for easy access.
- Instantly revisit your last used recipe.
- Share your favorite recipes with friends.
- Turn on sound chime to infrom you about the next brewing step.

Here's what we're brewing for future updates:
- Inclusion of the Tetsu Kasuya 4:6 brewing method for Hario V60.
- An expansion of our coffee recipes collection.
- Design upgrades.

Timer.Coffee Screenshots