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Auspi Seven In One


About Auspi Seven In One

As per Hindu philosophy Every day of the week has a specific ruling planet and days are named after this planet.
Application shows Dial of Every day of the week which has lot of information like Direction not to Travel indicated in Black arrow , where 0 on dial indicates NORTH Direction.
The colored spot below 0 indicates RED as Tamasik ,Yellow as Rajsik and White as Satwik nature or quality of the Ruling planet and the activites can be planned accordingly.
Outer Circle denotes Sunrise to Sunset 12 Hours
Inner Circle denotes Sunset to Next day Sunrise 12 Hours.
The Hourly colors indicate relationship of the Ruling planet of hour with the Ruling planet of the day.
Friendly(Similar lighter color), Anti(Grey Color), Neutral(White color), Important (Yellow color).
You can scroll horizontally to reach how to read dial. Where all help regarding reading a dial can be seen.
Every day of the week has its specific color code indicating the nature of the activities to be done.
For example - MONDAY - The color on the Auspiwatch dial i.e. white and sky blue indicates the color code to be used for dressing. The white and yellow - duel Color spot on the top of Auspiwatch dial shows the SATVIK and RAJSIK nature of the ruling planet MOON indicating the SATVIK and RAJSIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day.

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