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Smartphone Table Tennis

Yuta Hoshina

About Smartphone Table Tennis

"Prediction" is important in table tennis.

Good players often start moving before their opponent hits.
This is possible by looking at the opponent's form and predicting the course.
By practicing your anticipation, you will be able to hit topspin balls and blocks in the game like a good player.

Predictive ability does not come easily.
By doing "look at the opponent's form" every day, your predictive ability will increase little by little.
So, apart from regular practice, if you can train for prediction, your efficiency will improve considerably.
It is this "Mobile Table Tennis" that realizes it.

It doesn't matter if it's 10 minutes or 30 minutes a day.
Use your spare time to practice every day without overdoing it.
If you keep doing this on a monthly or yearly basis, you should be able to improve your ability to deal with matches.
Now, train your prediction ability on the train or in bed!

Smartphone Table Tennis Screenshots