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Search Gallery

Anatolii Mazkun

About Search Gallery

Image gallery with the ability to tag images with words (phrases from any number of words, separated by a comma, any sequences of text symbols), which can be ordered into hierarchical classes and facts(here synonyms) with arbitrary depth, for the purpose of quick selection and subsequent viewing with distribution by standard iOS tools Search based on resolution(proving) that picture description corresponds to a search query using rules and facts settled by user. Based on limited predicate logic resolving engine

- support several numbers of independent databases with own rules and facts for them, like independent expert systems
- search by an unlimited number of tags (classes, keys) using hierarchical class merging operations and synonyms
- an unlimited number of properties and tags that can be assigned to each image (hereafter 'unlimited' refers to the capabilities of the device)
- unlimited number of classes, unlimited number of elements in the class
- unlimited number of synonym ads
- select up to 100 files from the photo gallery at the same time to copy them to the application
- replacing the image photo with another one, in case of external editing
- the number of image files is determined by the possibility of the device
- export of the image database, synonyms and classes to a compact text format easy to understand
- export of original images deleted from the database for archiving, etc.
- checking the integrity of the database
- checking the recursiveness of the definition of specified tag classes to prevent looping the search
- export of selected images to other applications, messengers by standard iOs methods
- adjusts the slide viewing time in the mode of sequential viewing of selected images
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