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Quick Key Mobile Grading App

Design by Educators, Inc
4.5 out of 5

About Quick Key Mobile Grading App

Created by a 15-year veteran teacher and launched by 250 teachers on Kickstarter. Quick Key’s mobile grading app easily grades paper quizzes and assessments with just one device, anywhere, even without any network connection at all. Paperless classroom? With Quick Key you can send a quiz to your students’ Chromebooks, laptops, or mobile devices (BYOD). Pencil and Paper Classroom? You can grade 100 paper tests in less than 5 minutes, using nothing but the camera on your iPhone or iPad, and our scantron-style bubble sheets are 100% free! Quick Key is the only mobile grading solution that is secure enough for districts, affordable enough for schools, and easy enough for everyday classroom use.

Are you the leader of a 1:1 school, or a district in transition to 1:1? Quick Key effortlessly combines results from 1:1 classrooms and paper classrooms. And it provides automatic top-level reporting of key data, so you can focus on student growth, not managing your data. Quick Key was originally built for teachers doing ungraded assessment for learning and frequent formative assessment in the classroom, using nothing but their iPhone or iPad. But even if you don’t use daily exit tickets, Quick Key is perfect for quizzes, unit tests, district wide benchmark assessments, midterms and finals. It completely replaces the need for a scantron machine. Best of all, you never have to worry about getting your grades in at the last minute: Quick Key syncs with Google Classroom, exports data into any electronic gradebook , and sends grades directly into PowerSchool with one click.

All your Quick Key data is secure, and we actively follow FERPA and COPPA best practice.

Let’s talk teaching!

During my 15 years in the classroom, I saw first-hand how my students excelled when I made formative assessments for learning part of my lessons. Now I am dedicated to empowering teachers to be creative and student-focused in a world increasingly driven by data. I would love to personally connect with you! Follow @4_teachers on Twitter to say hello and talk teaching and learning.

You TEACH BIG™, we get your back!


This Release: easier than ever

No more jumping around back and forth between screens. Everything you need to do is now intuitive and obvious.

Now you don't have to create a course to give a quiz. Just make your quick answer key and scan.

All your data syncs even faster. And sending a lot of data is no problem now.

The last release:

New bubble sheet designs that scan faster and stand up to photocopying, low-ink printers, and even more scribbles, erase marks, etc.

New 10, 30, and 60-question Scantron-style bubble sheets.

Tell us what you think!

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Quick Key Mobile Grading App Screenshots