Stop-motion & clips to a movie icon

Stop-motion & clips to a movie

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About Stop-motion & clips to a movie

We provide a revolutionary way to create stop-motion's film on your mobile device. This is a powerful stop-motion tools which we created because we wanted a quick and easy way to edit stop-motion and assemble those stop-motion's video clips come to a real movie.

We’ve included all the tools you need, in a super intuitive interface so you can get right to editing.

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Camera function:
Support voice-controller capture, take pictures with voice commands.
Support Front and back camera support.
Support the focus and exposure adjustment by touch.
Support the focus and exposure lock.
Support the silent and sound capture.
Support for time-lapse, Automatic capture with adjustable time interval.
Support mask skin and onion skin.

Album function.
Support 100 albums for contain unlimited photos
Support drag and drop to change the photo sequence at any position.
Support delete photo.
Support Import picture from camera roll.
Support photo copy.
Support fun photo import.(speech balloons...)
Support mask photo import.
Support combine two different photo to create a new photo.
Support combine(assemble) video clips come to a movie , those video come from defferent album.

paint function. ---powerful
Support for photo modification.
Support Draw any color.
Support Line thickness adjustable.
Support Color and transparency adjustable
Support cut done a part of photo.
Support Zoom in out,move,rotate.
Support Filter,Adjust color value,Adjust alpha transparency value,Adjust brightness.
Support Editor by selection region.
Support Text input (zoom,move,rotate).
Support modify picture alpha transparency.(use for combine).
Support FX---Special effect,Sharpen and blur,mosaic,black and white,photosphere,flips,exchange color...

Video function.
Support preview video that created by yourself.
Support the working progress.
Support Add music from your own song library to your movie
Support recored vioce with video preview.
Support direct to share video to camera roll, Email, FaceBook, Youtube.
Support adjustable time for each photo . (0.04S---2.0S)||(25frame/S---0.5frame/S)
Support video clips assemble.

IAP to get full version --- support video export.

Stop-motion & clips to a movie Screenshots