Guaguas is the first native implementation of Guaguas Municipales of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for iOS .
Guaguas is an application for information on routes and schedules Guaguas Municipales lines .
Guaguas include:
- You can see the time to arrive the next bus.
- Plan your route.
- All bus stops in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- You can see the stops near your current location.
- You can see the stops near your destination. Choose your destination on the map and you will see the stops near your destination.
- Hybrid View and Map of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
- Local time output of the different lines of Guaguas Municipales .
- No Internet connection required .
- Search bus stop by name and code.
- You can save your favorite lines and stop bus , for faster access .
The data shown are the current Guaguas Municipales . These data will be updated when you go changing.
The application is unofficial Guaguas Municipales , for any questions of updates , please follow the Twitter of Guaguas Municipales .
We welcome suggestions / complaints about the application to improve it.
We would also like us on Itunes values , to know that you think the application.
For information on the application, we recommend to follow our twitter @ GuaguasApp .
Guaguas is an application for information on routes and schedules Guaguas Municipales lines .
Guaguas include:
- You can see the time to arrive the next bus.
- Plan your route.
- All bus stops in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- You can see the stops near your current location.
- You can see the stops near your destination. Choose your destination on the map and you will see the stops near your destination.
- Hybrid View and Map of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
- Local time output of the different lines of Guaguas Municipales .
- No Internet connection required .
- Search bus stop by name and code.
- You can save your favorite lines and stop bus , for faster access .
The data shown are the current Guaguas Municipales . These data will be updated when you go changing.
The application is unofficial Guaguas Municipales , for any questions of updates , please follow the Twitter of Guaguas Municipales .
We welcome suggestions / complaints about the application to improve it.
We would also like us on Itunes values , to know that you think the application.
For information on the application, we recommend to follow our twitter @ GuaguasApp .
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