Do you mix alarm messages from your SCADA system along with golf arrangements in the inbox on your smartphone? Novotek SmartDirect is the solution.
SmartDirect is an application to monitor reception of alarms from a predefined list of iFix Scadas and can easily acknowledge them again.
View alarms on-the-fly, and acknowledge them with a click.
View configured KPI values, and, if allowed, write new values to iFix.
The application is the only app designed for use with Proficy iFIX and Novotek Messenger scada systems.
SmartDirect is an application to monitor reception of alarms from a predefined list of iFix Scadas and can easily acknowledge them again.
View alarms on-the-fly, and acknowledge them with a click.
View configured KPI values, and, if allowed, write new values to iFix.
The application is the only app designed for use with Proficy iFIX and Novotek Messenger scada systems.
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