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Time Rack Inc.
3.7 out of 5

About TR365

Proactive Time Clock Solutions – A One Stop Time & Attendance and HR Solution!
TimeRack’s "TR365" mobile app incorporates all the key functionalities of the web-based application, enabling you to take care of your rather tedious and time-consuming responsibilities of time and attendance tracking in an easy and effective way. The timekeeping process is simplified and automated with the help of this app, without compromising on the reliability or flexibility with which data is collected. This mobile timekeeping app is especially beneficial for staff on the go- including employees who do not have fixed schedules or fixed locations from where they start their day’s work! The app works for internet enabled smart phones.

→ Workforce Management on the Go!
Option to clock-in and clock-out available 24X7
Helps tracking late arrivals and other schedule-related attendance issues
Provides Access to staff schedules anywhere and at any time

→Real Time Tracking
Flexibility to allow punch from anywhere or control the places / systems from where a punch can take place by restricting / allowing certain IPs
Employee can punch from the application on his mobile device
Facility to change the department or pay category while punching.
Customized geo-fences and GPS time tracking to validate the employee’s location

→Tackle Buddy Punching Smartly
Employees punch by logging into their personal password protected account with a uniquely assigned PIN
Employees register a facial impression at the time of clock-in or clock-out
The application logs the Geo-location of the employee at the time of punch.

→Accurate Log of Activity
Efficient and flexible management of workforce in-situ and at remote locations
Effective tracking of budgeted hours and time spent on each project

→Highly Customizable
Sync company policies with the policies for TimeRack mobile app
Set fixed rules for locations from where punch takes place
Manually customizable lunch-lockout feature
Allow accessibility to mobile based time and attendance to all or selective employees

TR365 Screenshots