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Chris Mash
3.8 out of 5

About Insistent

This app has literally changed my life! It seems I have a pretty bad memory, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. I forget to do things all the time and I found that the usual reminder apps really don't cut it as they only alert you once, so if you don't take action straight away you'll just forget about it again!

So in comes Insistent! It reminds you at your selected time and then keeps reminding you every minute until you tell it to stop, so if you're busy doing something else or don't notice the first notification then it won't give up! But if you know you can't do your task right now you can snooze the reminder until later when you might be free, you can even set recurring reminders if you need to do the same thing on a regular basis.

Use Insistent as a reminder for anything that you can't afford to forget; taking a pill, paying a bill, doing a chore, calling your dearest mother, you name it!

Insistent Screenshots