Scenic Route to Tetons and Yellowstone icon

Scenic Route to Tetons and Yellowstone

Touch Point Designs LLC
4.2 out of 5

About Scenic Route to Tetons and Yellowstone

The shortest distance between two points isn’t always the most scenic. If you’re traveling from Salt Lake City to Grand Teton or Yellowstone National Park, then the most beautiful, most scenic route is through Logan, UT.

Using this app will allow the visitor to easily navigate and view the cities along the way. By simply tapping the cities from the map, one can see not only how far it is from Salt Lake City, but also read a few interesting side notes and things to see and do along the way. Rotate your tablet vertically and interactive map will show you other scenic side routes along the way as well!

When you’re in Logan, use the app to view 12 popular things to see and do. Scroll through the list and tap on any site or activity to see an image and read a description to learn more. The list also appears in portrait or vertical rotation as well.

Scenic Route to Tetons and Yellowstone Screenshots