|| Om Nama: Shivaya ||
Features of Navagraha Stotram App :-
The App is specially designed to accommodate unique features like
1. Gurukulam way of learning.
2. Multi language support (Sanskrit, English, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and more to be included)
3.Text Auto Scroll relative to the Audio.
4. Highlighted text in a bigger size, in the middle of the screen.
5. Two speed levels.
6. Search utility for easy traversing.
Navagraha, The nine planets that rules the fate of man kind and all living beings.
The Navagraha Stotras are the Mantras for the nine planets, to appease them to get benefic influence and blessings from the Grahas.
The Mantras were written by Shri Veda Vyas Maharishi, when recited with full concentration, devotion and faith, is said to remove all the negative effects caused by the grahas.
And reciting these mantras removes all our threefold afflictions – if any, from the nine planets. We also do receive abundant pleasures, have a sound and good health.
For more benefic results, know your current Mahadasa and Bhukthi period running, and recite the specific graha's stotram, the number of times mentioned below.
For the Graha as per vimshotari Dasa System.
Surya - 6 years (6 times daily)
Chandra - 10 years
Mangal - 7 years
Budha - 17 years
Guru - 16 years
Shukra - 20 years
Shani - 19 years
Rahu - 18 years
Ketu - 7 years
It is extremely good to recite all the 9 mantras every day with faith.
It is so good to have this app on your phone. Play it on a daily basis, feel the bliss and get the blessings!
This version is with Limited Features. Full audio for all speeds with relative text scrolling, Upgrade to PRO version.
Features of Navagraha Stotram App :-
The App is specially designed to accommodate unique features like
1. Gurukulam way of learning.
2. Multi language support (Sanskrit, English, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and more to be included)
3.Text Auto Scroll relative to the Audio.
4. Highlighted text in a bigger size, in the middle of the screen.
5. Two speed levels.
6. Search utility for easy traversing.
Navagraha, The nine planets that rules the fate of man kind and all living beings.
The Navagraha Stotras are the Mantras for the nine planets, to appease them to get benefic influence and blessings from the Grahas.
The Mantras were written by Shri Veda Vyas Maharishi, when recited with full concentration, devotion and faith, is said to remove all the negative effects caused by the grahas.
And reciting these mantras removes all our threefold afflictions – if any, from the nine planets. We also do receive abundant pleasures, have a sound and good health.
For more benefic results, know your current Mahadasa and Bhukthi period running, and recite the specific graha's stotram, the number of times mentioned below.
For the Graha as per vimshotari Dasa System.
Surya - 6 years (6 times daily)
Chandra - 10 years
Mangal - 7 years
Budha - 17 years
Guru - 16 years
Shukra - 20 years
Shani - 19 years
Rahu - 18 years
Ketu - 7 years
It is extremely good to recite all the 9 mantras every day with faith.
It is so good to have this app on your phone. Play it on a daily basis, feel the bliss and get the blessings!
This version is with Limited Features. Full audio for all speeds with relative text scrolling, Upgrade to PRO version.
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