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Fractions Decimals Percentages

Hyperion Games (UK) LTD
5.0 out of 5

About Fractions Decimals Percentages

Fractions, decimals and percentages practice for Primary School Age children.

Fractions are one of the trickier topics of mathematics in primary schools. Problem solving can be difficult without a thorough understanding of what fractions are, and how they related to numbers, portions of shapes or groups, and decimals. It is essential that children quickly gain a good understanding of these topics. This app contains over 100 skill builders designed for that very goal.

Providing your children with access to learning materials and aids is increasingly important, and children these days learn quickly through interactive touch applications.

This application has been designed for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with that goal as the core of its design. Your children will have access to fractions, decimals and percentages skill practice and related problems whether at home or on the go, to help them build these essential skills.

No internet connection is required.
No subscription required.
No silly games.

The application contains progress charts, which help build their confidence in a friendly way, and encourages them to achieve their highest potential.

The skill builders have been developed based on the national curriculum of the United Kingdom and other English speaking countries. Maths tuition around the world is broadly similar, and in all countries fractions, decimals and percentages are important.

Typically children will be learning these topics between the ages of five and ten; they all learn at different speeds, so this age range is just a guide.

Fractions Decimals Percentages Screenshots