Free BMI calculator with weight, height and BMI history log using all units.
Scroll Weight or Height to dynamically calculate BMI.
Scroll BMI to show your ideal Weight for your selected BMI.
Special Features:
- Imperial units (feet, inches, pounds) and Metric units (centimeters, Kilograms).
- Easily tracks your BMI even when the height is still changing. This makes it an ideal App for teens.
- App interface specifically designed for entering values quickly and effortlessly.
- Dynamic update of BMI as you scroll Weight or Height.
- Dynamic update of Weight as you scroll BMI.
- Keeps history of your BMI, Height and Weight and displays them in a zoom-able graph.
- History log compares detailed values for up to 4 days.
- Can even be used as a converter between Imperial and Metric units for Height and Weight!! Just enter a value for Weight or Height and switch units with a single click to see the converted value.
- Free version with Ads.
- In App Purchase to remove the Ads
Scroll Weight or Height to dynamically calculate BMI.
Scroll BMI to show your ideal Weight for your selected BMI.
Special Features:
- Imperial units (feet, inches, pounds) and Metric units (centimeters, Kilograms).
- Easily tracks your BMI even when the height is still changing. This makes it an ideal App for teens.
- App interface specifically designed for entering values quickly and effortlessly.
- Dynamic update of BMI as you scroll Weight or Height.
- Dynamic update of Weight as you scroll BMI.
- Keeps history of your BMI, Height and Weight and displays them in a zoom-able graph.
- History log compares detailed values for up to 4 days.
- Can even be used as a converter between Imperial and Metric units for Height and Weight!! Just enter a value for Weight or Height and switch units with a single click to see the converted value.
- Free version with Ads.
- In App Purchase to remove the Ads
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