Percentage Calculator - percent, discount, tip icon

Percentage Calculator - percent, discount, tip

Omni Calculator Sp. z o.o.
3.7 out of 5

About Percentage Calculator - percent, discount, tip

Percentage Calculator is simply the best and easiest to use app which calculates:

*** Everyday calculations
* simple percentage calculator (5 percent of 40 is 2)
* percentage increase/decrease (5 percent decrease from 40 is 38)
* tip calculator
* discount calculator
* convert fractions to percentages (5 / 20 is the same as 25 percent)

*** Business calculators
* markup
* profit margin
* Sales tax
* a powertul trader's calculator (VAT or sales tax, net cost, gross cost, markup/profit margin, my net price, my gross price and profit all in one calculator)
* compound interest
* loan payment
* cumulative growth
* Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
* inflation
* doubling time (rule of 72)

Percentage Calculator's strongest feature is that any value can either be a source or result of a calculation - just enter the values you know and it will tell you the remaining ones!
Percentage calculator is useful in many real-life situations:
* school (mathematics, statistics, algebra)
* business and finance (markup, profit margin, profit, loan payments, cumulative growth, inflation, doubling time, investment return rate, loan interest rate, markup, profit margin, company profits changes)
* shopping (discounts, comparison of two products that differ in quantity)
* tipping
* cooking (ingredients are often shown in percentages)
* health (body mass index, fat percentage in food)

Percentage calculator is an app for people who don’t like math :-)

Percentage Calculator - percent, discount, tip Screenshots