Kulla-Di-Bulla icon


Stefan Arnhold
2.3 out of 5

About Kulla-Di-Bulla

Be sure; we where not drunken as we have given the name Kulla-Di-Bulla to the game! Close to one year of development, its finally in the AppStore and I keep on developing...

For all fans of brain games: this game you must have played !!!
As with Memory you have to remember colors, but combined with ball control in a physics world through lots of different levels!

More Images and a Video on www.Kulla-di-Bulla.com

INFO: This game has been tested on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 or newer. We working on compatibility to older devices. Any comments are welcome, please mail to: iphone@projectizer.de

Within Kulla-Di-Bulla you control a black marble through various worlds. From very easy
levels (Ooops, this one is still finished?) up to the hard ones (this is not possible! Or I'm wrong?).
You need at least dexterity, a steady hand, sometimes patience, a flair for puzzles and to be in a mood to try unlogical things. We are sure you will have a lot of fun and challenges with this Game...

### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ###
# If you search Youtube for Kulla-di-Bulla, you'll find some level videos to get a feeling
# of the gameplay. Sorry for the bad frame rate, videos where streamed with AirPlay to a
# MAC and captured there. The game runs perfectly smooth on all iOS devices I've tested
### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ### Youtube ###

This is what Kulla-di-Bulla offers you for the price of a Coffee-To-Go
- 150 level pure gaming fun, from easy to hard: everything is there
- Level preview in the selection screen makes it easy to find your levels
- The level rating shows the difficulty from easy (green) to hard (red)
- Integrated iTunes player for your own favorite music during the game
- Full AirPlay support brings Kulla-Di-Bulla onto your mega TV screen
- Control anywhere on screen, no need to see where to touch: perfect for AirPlay
- Level access is completely open: play whatever level you like at any time
- The level overview makes it easy to see where to go, especially on small devices
- High score timer for any level: if you know a level, try to solve it faster
- Universal App for iPhone and iPad with optimized game scene sizing
- Newest technology with SpriteKit and CoreAudio (require iOS 7 or higher)
- Tested for performance on iPhone 4, 4S, 5 and 6 plus iPad 2, 3, 4 and Air
- 9 worlds with each 15 levels using touch control and a full new world with 15 levels using device gyro / tilt control
- German and English languages are switchable in the game at play time
- iCloud sync for alle played levels on all iOS devices
- Support for full resolution of iPhone 6 and 6 plus
- Unique Level Help Service: send me a mail and receive the level walkthrough PDF
- Rating Service: for any 10 reviews I will create one new level
- High score reset and effect sound volumen could be set in the App settings

Lots of FUN with Kulla-di-Bulla from me as Developer...
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Kulla-Di-Bulla Screenshots