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YO TAXI Passenger

Credencys Solutions Inc
1.7 out of 5

About YO TAXI Passenger


Taxi-booking made simpler

Available in Spanish and English, Yo-Taxi is your answer to finding taxis with complete ease. No booking fees and cancellation charges, a click and you will have your taxi reach you within minutes.


Taxi-Booking :

View a driver’s ratings and according choose the best driver. Send multiple booking requests to drivers. A driver has 40 seconds to accept/reject your request. If he does not accept it, the request automatically gets sent to the next available driver.


View your present location on map and locate drivers around you. When a driver accepts your request, you can see him approaching you on the map. Tracking your driver just gets better with this app!


Pre-book a taxi for a specific day and time. You can even send multiple requests and negotiate the fare with a driver through instant messaging or call functionality. Get reminders on the actual day of your pick-up.

Payment :

Make payments when you complete the ride.

Write your feedback about the ride and give ratings to the driver. The rating is displayed in his/her profile.

How to use

•Start the application.
•You will be taken to the map-view where your current location is displayed.
•Start searching drivers and login to send booking requests.

You will have to sign up to create an account for login purpose. This app needs good internet connection and GPS reception. Yo-Taxi Passenger App continuously runs GPS in the background, so in this case dramatically decrease battery life.

YO TAXI Passenger Screenshots