Pakistan Radios Live FM icon

Pakistan Radios Live FM

Vimal Singh
4.3 out of 5

About Pakistan Radios Live FM

Listen to top radio stations of Pakistan live on your iPhone from anywhere in the World. Always stay connected with your home and language.

Beautiful design, ease of use, and display of album art (subject to radio station's streaming) makes this App unique and your all-in-one app for all radio stations from Pakistan.

Some of the popular radio stations included in the app are:

1. Samaa Lahore FM 107.4
2. Radio 1 FM 91 - Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad
3. Hot FM 105 Karachi
4. FM 93
5. FM 101
6. Apna Karachi FM 107
7. Desi Radio
8. Radio Dhamaal 94
9. Planet 94
10. City FM 89

..and others

Pakistan Radios Live FM Screenshots