Biblical Greek  Vocabulary. icon

Biblical Greek Vocabulary.

Curtis Clements
4.0 out of 5

About Biblical Greek Vocabulary.

Lesson lists are available that correspond with the following textbooks...

Basics of Biblical Greek - W. Mounce
Introduction to the Study of New Testament Greek - Swetnam
Kairos: A Beginning Greek Grammar - F.J. Long
New Testament Greek for Beginners - J.G. Machen
The Elements of New Testament Greek - J. Duff

The Biblical Greek Vocabulary App is designed to help students study and review the 2000 most frequent words found in the Greek New Testament as well as the most used textbooks. The top 2000 words are divided into sets of 25, which can be mixed and matched to create a single list. Once a set is selected, students click through the words individually, reveal the English translation, and move to the next word. If they incorrectly identify the Greek word, students can choose to send the word to a review list for further review.

In addition, multiple lessons can be studied at once by sending each lessons wordlist to the review by clicking the "Add All..." button on a card inside of the desired lesson/list of words.

Users can also use the "Reverse Study" setting to see the English word and guess the Hebrew word.

Wordlists are shuffled by default, but shuffling can also be turned off if needed.

Geri Clements, a Biblical Hebrew Instructor at Brigham Young University and a M.S. student in Instructional Psychology & Technology and Curtis Clements, designed the Biblical Greek Vocabulary app as a way for students to always have their vocabulary lists with them no matter where they go. Waiting in lines and waiting for friends can now be leveraged into Biblical Greek study time! Just think of the possibilities...

Please email any questions, concerns, or suggestions to Curtis Clements at

Biblical Greek Vocabulary. Screenshots

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