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Programari La Saloane

Active Soft SRL

About Programari La Saloane

Programeaza-te la salonul tau de infrumusetare direct de pe telefonul mobil. 
Totul este gratuit, simplu si sigur, nefiind nevoie sa suni la salon sau sa fii sunata pentru confirmare.

Mergi la un anumit stilist la coafor sau la manichiura? Acum poti vedea cand este liber si cand te poate servi fara sa mai suni la salon. Planifica-ti vizita la salon de la birou, din metrou, din parc sau de oriunde si la orice ora din zi sau din noapte, chiar si atunci cand salonul este inchis sau stilistul tau nu poate raspunde la telefon.

Iti vom reaminti cand ai programarile facute incat sa fii sigura ca vei ajunge la salon.

Vei afla prima despre ofertele saloanelor.

Daca nu ai un anumit salon la care mergi, poti vedea care sunt cele mai bune saloane si cei mai buni stilisti exact din zona ta, in functie de notele si comentariile altor clienti.

Poti vedea in orice moment programarile tale, le poti anula sau reprograma direct din telefon.
Salveaza-ti saloanele favorite si acceseaza-le rapid data viitoare.

Acceseaza si pentru aceeasi experienta web.

Our app helps you find the best beauty salons and stylists right near you. You will be able to book an appointment, in a free and safe way, at your favourite salon and stylist and at the hour that is most convenient for you.

You can choose your salon based on other client’s ratings and comments and you can add your own comment based on your personal experience with the salon.

Book an appointment right from your mobile phone, in the office, in the subway, in the park, anywhere and at any hour, day or night, without making one call to salon.

You can see all your appointments, cancel or reschedule them and you get reminders on your mobile device.

Save your favourite salons and quickly access their schedule the next time.

You can also access our website for our web interface.

See you at the salon!

Programari La Saloane Screenshots