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Jumper Ultimate

Stash Star LLC
4.4 out of 5

About Jumper Ultimate

Jumping rope is an excellent way to stay fit, burn calories, and have fun.

Jumper Ultimate provides a variety of jump rope workouts at various levels of intensity. You will be led through a complete workout, with both visual and auditory instructions. Jumper Ultimate tells you when to start jumping rope, how fast to jump, how long to jump… and of course, when to rest!

Simply select a workout, tap “Begin”, and follow the instructions. The steps of the workout are displayed on the screen and spoken aloud, giving you the option to watch the instructions, listen to the instructions, or both. Both auditory and visual cues help you set the proper jumping pace. You can adjust the volume of the spoken instructions, or turn them off if you want to use the app in a visual-only mode.

The Workout Intensity Graph shows you what to expect in the upcoming minutes of the workout. The higher the bar in the graph, the more intense the jumping.

When you’ve successfully completed a workout, your results are recorded. You can review your workout history at any time.

Once you’ve mastered the basic two-footed jump, you’ll want more variety. Jumper Ultimate has it covered. How about high knees? Double under? Alternating feet? All these variations and more are available for your workouts. If you’re looking for variety, Jumper Ultimate is the app you want.

What’s more, you can also design your own customized workouts with an in-app purchase! With the easy-to-use workout designer your options are virtually unlimited.

With Jumper Ultimate, you won’t have to worry about the doing the same old boring workout every day.

Let us know what you think about Jumper Ultimate. We’d love to hear from you. Connect with us on our Facebook page. And we appreciate your ratings and reviews in the App Store.

• • • Important Notices • • •

Always consult with a physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should be in good physical condition to use the exercises provided in this app. These exercises may not be suitable for everyone. Do not perform any exercise beyond your ability to perform safely. Know and heed your limitations.

Call 911 immediately if you think you are having a medical emergency.

There is a risk of injury when performing these exercises. By using this app, you do so at your own risk. You agree to release Stash Star LLC from any and all claims relating to the use of this app.

Be sure to safely secure your iPhone or iPad before starting a workout so that you do not damage the device.

Jumper Ultimate Screenshots