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S4C Dal Ati

Moilin Cyf

About S4C Dal Ati

Dyma ap i gefnogi Dal Ati, gwasanaeth i ddysgwyr ar S4C. Mae disgrifiad o’r holl nodweddion wedi eu nodi isod.
Here is an app that supports Dal Ati, a service for learners on S4C. A description of all the features are listed below.

O fewn yr ap mi fyddwch yn medru:

Gweld geirfa ag unrhyw iaith sydd yn codi o’r rhaglenni wythnosol.
Gweld pynciau trafod a fydd o fodd cyn gwylio’r rhaglen.
Darllen mwy am gefndir Cymreig sydd yn codi yn ystod y rhaglenni, boed yn draddodiad, leoliad neu’n ddarn o hanes Cymreig.
Dal i fyny ar rhaglenni a chynnwys cefnogol y rhaglenni blaenorol.
Gweld amserlen y rhaglen gyda chrynodeb o’r cynnwys, gwybodaeth am y cyflwynwyr a manylion cyswllt y wasanaeth.

Within the app, you will be able to:

See vocabulary and any new language formations related to the weekly programmes.
See discussion points that will be beneficial before watching the programmes.
Read more about the Welsh related backgrounds mentioned in the programmes, be it a tradition, location or a piece on Welsh history.
Catch up on previous programmes and its related content.
See the timetable for the programme with a summary of the content, information on the presenters and contact details for the service.

S4C Dal Ati Screenshots