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Shane Sniteman
3.0 out of 5

About Get-A-Gig

Hustling to get or book a gig can be like chewing on tin foil. Ditto for small bar owners, venues, wedding planners, or anyone looking for a musician or band! But no more.

Get-A-Gig is the app for small bar owners, musicians, venues, wedding planners, or anyone looking to book a musician or band.

With a series of clicks, owners and musicians are connected quickly. No more back and forth calling, delayed email conversations, hassling over rates, or playing/booking sight unseen.

Musicians — Get on your phone; put in your showcase info, genre, rate, days of the week you’re available to play, and location. Get-A-Gig searches for an open gig in the area of your choosing and puts you in direct contact with an owner.

Owners — Search for a musician/singer/band based on what you want — when you want it! See photos and even hear performances while eliminating time consuming auditions. With a couple of clicks, your booking is done. It’s that quick, and easy.

Get-A-Gig Screenshots