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Lumenplay App-Enabled Lights

S4 Lights
2.2 out of 5

About Lumenplay App-Enabled Lights

Get ready for playtime! The Lumenplay™ app is the most interactive and easy way to bring your Lumenplay™ light strings to life, all from your Apple device. Pick from 16 million colors – control light effects, speed and brightness - pulse lights to music, and much more. Using Bluetooth Smart technology, Lumenplay™ offers ‘touchless’ connection. Just open the app and the items you have decorated with Lumenplay lights will be instantly recognized within the app.

The Lumenplay™ app gives you the freedom to Create, Play and Share.

CREATE: Create unique designs through color. Choose from over 16 million colors, and save them for later in the custom color palette. Put your color palette in motion with a carousel of effects.

SHARE: Once you’ve found the perfect song and effect, speed it up, slow it down or change the direction. Love your custom scene? Save it, name it, and share it with friends!

• 16 Million Color Selector
• Custom Color Palette
• Effect Enhancer
• Brightness + Speed + Direction Control
• Pin-Code Security

Lumenplay™ Starter Set (controller included). The Lumenplay™ collection of starter and extender sets are designed to work together: daisy chain Extenders onto a Starter, or create multiple objects using multiple Starters. It’s easy to add more light sets at any time and control them all individually or simultaneously.

If you have any questions or concerns, please have a look at our FAQ on our website at or contact us at We are ready to answer any questions and can’t wait to hear the creative things you do with your Lumenplay™ lights!

iPhone 5, 5c, 5s, +
iPad Gen. 4, 5, +
iPod Touch Gen 6+

Lumenplay App-Enabled Lights Screenshots