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pizZap Mania Free

Siddharth Shekar

About pizZap Mania Free

In future the government has taken all Witch's powers, but fortunately she is allowed to roam in her broom under the protection of the "DOME". For livelihood the Witch does what she does best, make Delicious Pizzas and give door step delivery. If she behaves, some of her powers will be returned to her.


. Retina Display support
. Full support for latest iOS devices including iPhone6 and iPhone6+
. Randomly generated levels for unlimited fun.
. Fun ZAP mechanic, challenging AI & animated cartoon action.
. Watch replay videos on device, upload onto youtube and share it on social media networks.
. Complete level with fastest time and challenge your friends.
. Includes Gamecenter Achievements & Leaderboards.
. No In App Purchases

pizZap Mania Free Screenshots

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