Shopman Shopping List Manager icon

Shopman Shopping List Manager

Ken Randall

About Shopman Shopping List Manager

Shopping List Manager (Shopman) is a simple yet comprehensive app to allow you to quickly and easily keep your shopping lists on your iPhone or iPad. Special thought has been given to its use on an iPhone as it is these devices that you carry around with you in supermarkets. Shopman shopping list manager is broken down into five separate areas. Three of these are for the definition of stores, shelves and products. Then there is an options area and finally, once everything is defined, you can create your individual shopping lists. There is one shopping list per store and as stores are unlimited, you can have as many shopping lists as you wish. Stores can be anything you like such as "Sainsbury's" or "Sainsbury''s Weekly", "Sainsbury''s Monthly", etc. if you prefer.

A few sample products, shelves and stores defined by default along with two shopping lists. These can be deleted if you wish. It is recommended that you add all of the products you wish to use before adding them to you shopping lists but of course stores, shelves and products can be added to at any time.

The screen color can be defined in options and translations can be added making the app truly international.

Shopman Shopping List Manager Screenshots