Merry Christmas! have you been a good boy or good girl? If you've behaved well with your brothers, parents and friends of the cole or the nursery, you can already write the letter to the Kings Magi of East, which shall come guided by shooting star to bring the night of 5 to 6 January 2016 gifts to good children and send it quickly. Write what you need by the year 2016. It is very simple, you can: • choose between different markers and write with your letter to letter • you can choose a default text and typing of the mobile or the Tablet • you can add funny stickers if you don't even know to write or to decorate your letter • you can take a picture or choose an image from the gallery and insert it in the letter. If you've seen the toy that you like is a good way to teach it to the Kings. Friends also share the letter with your uncles or godparents or grandparents and other family. If you like the app, vote for us and help us improve. If you wish you can buy an ad-free version. Thank you! Ah! And happy holidays or holidays of Christmas and many health and peace for the world and happy new year. Remember: you must be good boy or girl the Kings Magi see everything! So to behave well in order that do not bring you charcoal.
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