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Socotab App

Socotab Frana SA

About Socotab App

The Socotab App allows you to access statistics of the classical oriental tobacco crops on your iPhone or iPad, wherever you are.
The available data includes the status of the devolvement stages of the current crops, the volumes grown (both new crop and historical figures), and some practical details about our companies and colleagues.
A made-for-travel function allows you to click on any of the contact details which will automatically help to either call, address an e-mail or navigate to that place or person.
The information is automatically updated on a monthly basis, and the App works even when the device is offline.
In due time, we aim to add other functionalities and statistics to the system.

Kindly note that activating this app requires a password, which will be supplied to qualified applicants only, at Socotab’s discretion.

Socotab App Screenshots