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CGBL Lean Green Belt exam prep

Advance School, APICS & IIBLC® Channel Partner
1.0 out of 5

About CGBL Lean Green Belt exam prep

Set of 5 free tests + 45 self assessments + 85 pre-test practice questions for the international certification exam Certified Green Belt in Lean from IIBLC®, the International Independent Board for Lean Certification. The questions are continually updated and prepared by Lean Champion Instructors at Advance School, an IIBLC® and APICS Partner. Try the 5 free questions and then decide whether to go ahead and buy the set of 45 self assessment practice questions and 85 pre-test practice questions. This set has been used successfully by more than 200 Advance students, in web as well as app mode, to help them prepare for the CGBL® international certification exam from IIBLC®. The pass rate of Advance School students ( in the LEAN certification exams is one of the highest in the world.
Be aware that this is the only app of this kind issued by an official IIBLC® ( Partner school. 10 per cent of receipts will be donated to charitable associations  for projects supporting the community.
The set contains:
a) 5 free tests + 45 self assessments + 85 pre-test practice questions on the subjects of the CGBL® exam
b) Comprehensive answers with detailed explanations
c) References to the question's exam category

Other sets of practice questions for Lean and APICS are available on the school's Learning Management System (LMS) via the link:
For purchases from the LMS, contact our school:

The “CPIM BSCM exam prep 2015 APICS Partner” app is also available to prepare for the BSCM exam, the first module of the prestigious APICS CPIM certification.

Who is Advance School? An official partner of APICS and of other international associations and companies that promote best practice in Lean (IIBLC®, International Independent Board for Lean Certification), Purchasing (ISM, the Institute for Supply Management) and Change Management (LaMarsh Global).

This set of practice questions has been updated with the latest release of the CGBL® programme from the International Independent Board for Lean Certification and on the basis of feedback from the Lean instructors and hundreds of Lean-certified students from the Advance School.

All images and contents of this app are copyright protected and property of Advance School. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of these images and contents are strictly prohibited.

CGBL Lean Green Belt exam prep Screenshots

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