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Hong Kong Hotels & Guesthouses

Home Affairs Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

About Hong Kong Hotels & Guesthouses

“Hong Kong Licensed Hotels and Guesthouses” is an official mobile application developed by the Home Affairs Department of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. You can search for the latest details with locations (offline map available) of licensed hotels, guesthouses, holiday flats and holiday camps (together referred to as “hotels and guesthouses”) in Hong Kong. It also provides real-time location-specific information service of the licensed hotels and guesthouses with “Nearby Search” (requires network connection).

The “Report” function allows users to report suspected unlicensed hotels or guesthouses to the Office of the Licensing Authority for investigation. The application also offers latest news in respect of regulation of hotels and guesthouses in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Hotels & Guesthouses Screenshots