Swiss Map Compass icon

Swiss Map Compass

Laurent Simond
1.0 out of 5

About Swiss Map Compass

Swiss Map, two resolutions: 1:1'000'000 1:500'000
Maps available without network
Source map: Federal Office of Topography

Sometimes, we would like to know what we see far away. With this app, you orient your iPhone and you draw a line on the map in the direction measured by the iPhone.

WARNING: this function is available only when your are in Switzerland or not far from this country.

• Line from your location to the central pointer
- Distance between your location and the pointed location
- Azimuth to pointed location

• Information about your location
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Altitude
- Compass ( iPhone orientation )

• Compass offset correction

WARNING: The reliability depend of
• the right iPhone orientation
• the reliability of the GPS location
• the reliability of the iPhone compass

When the app is in front, the GPS increase the energy consumption

Swiss Map Compass Screenshots